TMJ Treatment • TMJ Physical Therapy Exercises & Pain Relief
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TMJ Treatment

Because TMJ disorder (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) may be the result of a variety of causes related with different health fields (dentistry, psychology, physical therapy), there are many different TMJ treatment approaches.

The intensity of the TMJ symptoms, the nature of the causes and the structural damage done to the temporomandibular joint, are the factors that determine the next steps in the treatment of TMJ disorder. The TMJ treatment plan may include medications for pain relief, jaw relaxation treatments, TMJ exercises, physical therapy and TMJ surgery.

TMJ Pain Relief

Relieving the pain is normally the first thing to do before any other tmj therapy, especially if the tmj pain is so acute that even small movements of the jaw become difficult.

  • Medications such as over-the-counter pain relievers, anti-inflammatory medications and muscle relaxants, usually are enough to ease the TMJ pain. If they do not show the expected results, prescription medications can be prescribed by your doctor or dentist in order to treat tmj symptoms.
  • Ice & Hot packs can also assist in reducing muscle tension and relieving pain.

Jaw Relaxation TMJ treatments

Relaxing the jaw relieves the tension from the muscles and the tmj. To relax the jaw, the patient must break bad habits and eliminate the aggravating factors by:

  • Stoping chewing gum
  • Soft diet. Avoid hard, chewy, crunchy foods or foods that require to open the mouth wide.
  • Chewing evenly
  • Stoping clenching or grinding teeth is necessary for an effective tmj treatment.

The usual approache of TMJ treatment is to help the patient to stop bruxism with:

  • Stress Management is essential for stoping bruxism (psychological counseling, or medications might be needed).
  • Mouth guards and night guard devices, are the best treatments for teeth grinding and they are also the most widely used treatment for TMJ and jaw muscle problems. A night guard is a thin piece of hard plastic that is placed on the upper teeth. They are made from impressions of your teeth in order to fit perfectly.

TMJ physical therapy & jaw exercises

Physical therapy can help relax the muscles and increase joint flexibility. TMJ physical therapy is often used in conjunction with other TMJ treatments.

  • Gentle jaw exercises or massage. Passively opening and closing the jaw, bringing lower teeth out in front of upper teeth are exercises that increase the range of motion and strength of the joint.

Pain relief, jaw relaxation and physical therapy are conservative and reversible tmj treatments that should be used first as natural therapy for tmj. Only if they fail, the patient should try a more radical and permanent tmj treatment as the foollowing ones.

Occlusal therapy for TMJ - Correction of Bite Problems

Uneven teeth affect the temporomandibular joint's ability to close properly, thus causing the TMJ disorder. The TMJ treatment should be targeting in restoring and maintaining the normal relationship between the jaws (maxillae and mandible). Permanent dental corrections of the teeth may be helpful in persons with chronic or recurrent TMJ symptoms. Correction of Bite Abnormalities to treat TMJ disorder problems is accomplished by :

  • Orthodontic treatment.
  • Mandibular repositioning devices which move the jaw into a new position.

If the occlusal surfaces of the teeth have been damaged because of teeth grinding, trauma or tooth decay, the proper occlusion can be restored through modification of the occlusal surfaces of the teeth.

  • Manual adjustment of the bite by grinding the teeth.
  • Dental work such as adjustment of crowns or bridges to ensure proper alignment of the teeth.

TMJ Surgery treatment

TMJ surgery is indicated in those situations where patients with TMJ have dysfunction that is not relieved by TMJ exercises, physical therapy or other tmj treatments. These patients with extensive damage of the joint will eventually need surgical correction of the joint.

  • TMJ arthroscopy, ligament tightening, joint restructuring, and replacement of the jaw joint or disc are some of the TMJ surgery treatments of severe joint damage

Many of the treatments listed often work best when used in combination for the treatment of TMJ disorder.

The cost involved with dental treatments can be significant and many patients may not afford it if they are not covered by their dental insurance. Learn how to choose a dental insurance plan that will provide the best dental treatment to you and your family.

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